
Khaled wants to start establishing his own restaurant and launch a brand

For a strategy that helps it grow and develop properly During Khaled's search for the appropriate company to investigate His desires to create a brand that achieves his aspirations And his desires for a brand that expresses passion and has an entit

But Khaled faced a number of problems during the search process Companies with service in the field between 5-10 years Its cost is very high in building an integrated strategy, and some Companies that are not specialized do not provide a brand strategy Business in an integrated manner

The methods of communicating with competing companies are also very weak There is no direct communication with some, and prices are high And varies among competitors Among the companies, Khaled found Pointup Sto, which targets...

Individuals for self-employment and emerging and medium-sized companies They have direct methods of communication and a presence on social media Media, specialists in brand building and have experience Exceeding 5+ years and distinguished prices from competitors and perfection to work under the slogan “We build the brand of the future.

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